
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Jacob Hall's Mother Calls Her 6-Year-Old Son a Superhero After He Dies from School Shooting Wound

Jacob Hall's parents comfort their son in his hospital bed
The mother of 6-year-old Jacob Hall, the South Carolina boy who died Saturday after being shot on his elementary school playground earlier this week, spoke of forgiveness when remembering her son.

Renae Hall, who called her son her "superhero," answered questions from reporters outside Greenville Memorial Hospital, emotionally sharing stories about her young boy.

"Jacob was forgiving," she said. "What happened to Jacob, Jacob forgives already. He's in heaven smiling down at us. He's asking his mommy to be able to be strong to forgive just like he would have."

Hall described her son as very mature for his age, from his intelligence to his ability to comfort his mother on bad days.

Although she admitted that Jacob had a tough start to his life, spending his first year in the hospital after being born six week premature and battling health problems like asthma, Hall said Jacob prayed for "everyone besides himself." She knew he was destined to do big things.

"He was going to make a difference in this world," she said. "He was going to show people how we were brought to this world to love each other, not to hate."

Jacob Hall

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